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Meet Good Citizen CEO & Founder, Jacqueline Hinton
Changing the way Pilates lovers do Pilates, Good Citizen CEO & Founder, Jacqueline Hinton created the Pilates world's first, most popular, and best selling Pilates accessory, THE PERSONAL PILATES LOOPS!
The Best Pilates Reformer Loops For Going Back To The Pilates Studio!
Reentry into the Pilates Studio is already happening. What are you doing to prepare? What changes are you making to feel comfortable and confident in the Pilates studio?
Smile During Your Pilates Session With Good Citizen Pilates Reformer Straps!
Pilates makes us HAPPY but sweat and germs don't. That's why we created the first personal Pilates loops for Pilates enthusiasts.
Keep Mom Clean In The Pilates Studio With The Best Pilates Loops!
Keep Mom Clean In The Pilates Studio With The Best Pilates Loops!